I jump off the chair lift, excited for my first run of the year. My skis are brand new, so I easily slide across the snow. I effortlessly push my way to the top of the run. Vail Ridge, a black diamond. I stare down into the gully, filled with moguls. I'm fightened at first, but then I gain my confidence. My skis are at the very edge now, and I slowly tip over onto the hill. I fearlessly make my first turns down the hill. This isn't so bad! The moguls make me hop around like a bunny, and it makes the run extra fun. I'm gaining speed as I race through. The wind whooshes past me, and I can hear the it rush past me. My eyes are stinging from going so fast, but I can't slow down. I like the speed, anyway. Just a few more moguls until I come to the end. The suddenly, out of nowhere a giant jump appears in front of me. I'm not ready to jump, I'm going too fast! As the jump approaches me, I try to slow down. My skis drop down, and then I fly up a few feet into the air. When I land, I'm surprised I don't crash. I turn the corner and stop in the line at the chair lift. That was an amazing run, I think. As the chair lift carries me up, I get excited to go onto Vail Ridge again.
S is for skiing. I love to ski. I have been skiing ever since I learned, when I was 3 years old. If you were wondering, Vail Ridge is my favourite ski run at Alta. My favourite place to ski is Alta, a ski mountain in Salt Lake City, Utah. I just recently went there for March Break and it was great. We go there every year to ski because we all like it so much. Although I love to ski at Alta, I've skied in other places, too. Like in Banff, Alberta.

Last winter, my family travelled to Banff, Alberta to ski. We stayed at this really nice hotel, The Fairmont. On the outside, it looked like a castle, but on the inside, I felt like royalty. The lobby was really big, and a beautiful chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. The glass twinkled in the light, and it was just so wonderful to look at. And the staircase was like the staircase in the Titanic. It started on the outside and gradually moved into the centre. A red carpet was draped so beautifully over every step. The room we stayed in was really nice, it had a beautiful view of the mountains, and right below us was the skating rink so every day, we would see people ice skating along the smooth ice. In Banff, there were two mountains, Lake Louise, and Sunnyside. We tried both, but we seemed to like Sunnyside better. It was really cold, and I was freezing most of the time, but I still had fun.
Although we had gone to Banff to ski, I'd have to say my favourite part about the whole trip was all the activities we did. There were so many options. We practically did one once a day. First, we went swimming in the pool at the Fairmont. I really liked it because it was an outdoor pool, but it was really warm, so on the top you would be super cold, but on the bottom you would be warm in the water. And if you stayed out of water long enough, your hair would start to freeze because it was so cold! Another thing we did was we went ice skating. It was really fun because we did it at night, so the ice was glowing in the moonlight. On the ice skating rink, there was an ice sculpture of the Fairmont carved into a big chunk of ice, and then another ice sculpture of a deer. Also, we went sledding on this public hill. It was so much fun because once in a while a bump would come up, and it would be a lot of fun to jump off. Finally, the best part of the trip is that we went dog sledding. It was an amazing experience. The dogs pulled me along as I rode on the back of the sled. I even got to steer the bogs for a little bit! On the sledding ride, We also saw Lake Louise, frozen. Overall the trip to Banff was an amazing experience, and I can't wait for another trip like that.
I have been skiing all my life and it's a great thing to do if you want to start racing, or just have fun. Skiing is a great sport, and you can do it in a lot of amazing places. I hope one day you'll try skiing and like it as much as I do.
LIFE LESSON: Skiing is a great sport and everyone should have the chance to try it at least once in their lifetime.
P.S. I'm sorry about having two of the same pictures, I don't know how to remove one of them.
I commented on Laurel's blog
That sounds like such an awesome vacation!!! I have been to Banff before too and it was so beautiful. The hotel you stayed at does sound like it was a castle. It would be so fun to go swimming when it was that cold outside, and I wish that I could do that. The way you described yourself going down the ski hill was so descriptive, I thought I was actually the one skiing! Have you ever wiped out before going down on a ski hill? great post.