You pick a random book off the shelf, and decide to start reading it. You skim the first few pages, but you don't really understand what the book is about. When you get to the good part, you don't understand what is happening because you weren't paying attention to what was leading up to it. You decide it is too confusing, and place it back on the shelf. The next day, your friend approaches you and starts a conversation. You're distracted by something more exciting that's going on. You pretend to listen, but you're really paying no attention to them. They tell you that they are moving away from the country! This time, you were listening. You start freaking out, and asking them all these questions that they already answered before. They start telling you that they had already answered the questions you were asking before, and then realize, you weren't listening, and that's why yo didn't understand what was going on. You two seperate and never talk to each other for the rest of the day.
If you really think about it, friends are much like books. One reason is that if you skim the beginning of the book, but pay attention to the good part, you won't understand what's going on, and it wasn't worth reading the book because you didn't understand why or how the event was happening. Sort of like friends. If you don't pay attention to the boring part when thay are talking about, then when you do start paying attention, you don't understand what they are talking about. With books or friends, pay attention to the boring parts so you'll understand what's going on later.
Another reason why books are like friends is because they are all different in some way. They could be really smart, like encyclopedias, or they could be good at spelling, like dictionaries, or they could be adventurous, like fantasy or adventure novels. Those are just some of the options, there are so many different books out there that you could relate to your friends. They could also be a mixture of books, like mystery and a dictionary. A lot of the times, people like reading, or even writing, books that are a lot like them. Even if they are the same type of book, they could be a whole different story.
In summary, books are like friends. You have to read the whole book, even the boring parts, to know exactly what they are about. And every friend is different. They may be similar, but no one is exactly the same.
LIFE LESSON: When reading books, or friends, you have to read the whole thing, or pay attention to everything, to know who they really are.
I commented on Kate's blog: Going Green
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
F is for Family
It's your birthday. When you wake up, your whole family is waiting outside the door to surprise you. You sleepily open the door, and as it creaks open, SURPRISE! Your family jumps out of their hiding place. Now, you're really awake. Your face brightens, and a big smile appears on your face. They start to sing happy birthday to you, and you all give them big hugs. Somewhere else in the world, a child is celebrating her birthday as well. Except, no one will sing her happy birthday, no one will give her presents, and no one will bake her a delicious birthday cake. She sits there all alone, with no one there to hug her, or care for her. She has no one to love and no one to love her. She quietly sings to herself, waiting for her family to come. As you laugh with your family, the girl waits for her family who will never come back.
Not many people realize how lucky they are to have a family to care for them. Many people around the world have no family. How would you feel without your family? To me, my family is my happiness in life. They always make me laugh. I'm always smiling around them because they're always happy. I love being around my family, and without my family, I don't know how I could be happy. Think about it, When you wake up in the morning and your mom cooks your favourite breakfast, doesn't that little thing just make your day? It certainly makes mine. Your family basically keeps you alive. They feed you, and give you somewhere to live. They take care of you if you're sick or hurt. And they help you get through problems you don't know how to solve. How would you get through all those things by yourself? I don't know what I would do without my family.
My family takes care of me, feeds me, gives me a roof over my head, and gives me education. The little things they do every day, means so much to me. Like tucking me in at night. It does seem like a little thing that would mean nothing. But it's the little things like that, that keep me smiling. How would you feel if your family were taken away from you? If that happened to me, I would be helpless. My family helps me through the day. Like, if there were a big test I wasn't ready for the next day, they would help me prepare for it and calm me down. They would try to make me feel better so it would be easier to get through. My family means the world to me, and I could never afford to lose them. Even though sometimes I fight with them, I still love them.
LIFE LESSON: Be grateful for your family. Be grateful for all the things they do for you, even the small meaningless ones.
I commented on Brenna's post, R is for Roller coasters.
The comments are in the same colour as the background, so you have to highlight it to see it.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
S is for Skiing

I jump off the chair lift, excited for my first run of the year. My skis are brand new, so I easily slide across the snow. I effortlessly push my way to the top of the run. Vail Ridge, a black diamond. I stare down into the gully, filled with moguls. I'm fightened at first, but then I gain my confidence. My skis are at the very edge now, and I slowly tip over onto the hill. I fearlessly make my first turns down the hill. This isn't so bad! The moguls make me hop around like a bunny, and it makes the run extra fun. I'm gaining speed as I race through. The wind whooshes past me, and I can hear the it rush past me. My eyes are stinging from going so fast, but I can't slow down. I like the speed, anyway. Just a few more moguls until I come to the end. The suddenly, out of nowhere a giant jump appears in front of me. I'm not ready to jump, I'm going too fast! As the jump approaches me, I try to slow down. My skis drop down, and then I fly up a few feet into the air. When I land, I'm surprised I don't crash. I turn the corner and stop in the line at the chair lift. That was an amazing run, I think. As the chair lift carries me up, I get excited to go onto Vail Ridge again.
S is for skiing. I love to ski. I have been skiing ever since I learned, when I was 3 years old. If you were wondering, Vail Ridge is my favourite ski run at Alta. My favourite place to ski is Alta, a ski mountain in Salt Lake City, Utah. I just recently went there for March Break and it was great. We go there every year to ski because we all like it so much. Although I love to ski at Alta, I've skied in other places, too. Like in Banff, Alberta.

Last winter, my family travelled to Banff, Alberta to ski. We stayed at this really nice hotel, The Fairmont. On the outside, it looked like a castle, but on the inside, I felt like royalty. The lobby was really big, and a beautiful chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. The glass twinkled in the light, and it was just so wonderful to look at. And the staircase was like the staircase in the Titanic. It started on the outside and gradually moved into the centre. A red carpet was draped so beautifully over every step. The room we stayed in was really nice, it had a beautiful view of the mountains, and right below us was the skating rink so every day, we would see people ice skating along the smooth ice. In Banff, there were two mountains, Lake Louise, and Sunnyside. We tried both, but we seemed to like Sunnyside better. It was really cold, and I was freezing most of the time, but I still had fun.
Although we had gone to Banff to ski, I'd have to say my favourite part about the whole trip was all the activities we did. There were so many options. We practically did one once a day. First, we went swimming in the pool at the Fairmont. I really liked it because it was an outdoor pool, but it was really warm, so on the top you would be super cold, but on the bottom you would be warm in the water. And if you stayed out of water long enough, your hair would start to freeze because it was so cold! Another thing we did was we went ice skating. It was really fun because we did it at night, so the ice was glowing in the moonlight. On the ice skating rink, there was an ice sculpture of the Fairmont carved into a big chunk of ice, and then another ice sculpture of a deer. Also, we went sledding on this public hill. It was so much fun because once in a while a bump would come up, and it would be a lot of fun to jump off. Finally, the best part of the trip is that we went dog sledding. It was an amazing experience. The dogs pulled me along as I rode on the back of the sled. I even got to steer the bogs for a little bit! On the sledding ride, We also saw Lake Louise, frozen. Overall the trip to Banff was an amazing experience, and I can't wait for another trip like that.
I have been skiing all my life and it's a great thing to do if you want to start racing, or just have fun. Skiing is a great sport, and you can do it in a lot of amazing places. I hope one day you'll try skiing and like it as much as I do.
LIFE LESSON: Skiing is a great sport and everyone should have the chance to try it at least once in their lifetime.
P.S. I'm sorry about having two of the same pictures, I don't know how to remove one of them.
I commented on Laurel's blog
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A is for Angie
The first time I see her, I know she is right for me. I pick her up and stare into her big black eyes, they're like little marbles. Her small pink tongue pops out of her tiny mouth and licks the air. Her nose digs into my shirt and takes a sniff. It's just about as big as my fingernail! She's so cute I knew that small little dog would be perfect as my first dog.
Angie is my first and current dog. She is a Maltese so she is quite small. She weighs almost 4 pounds. Most Maltese weigh about 3-7 pounds, so she is smaller than most Maltese dogs. Her eyes are very big and black. I love to hold her paws because they're so small, but they are very sensitive, so she likes to pull them away. But I have to say my favourite part about her is her nose. It's so small, it's like a little chocolate chip. And her tongue is so cute! When a bigger dog licks me, I'm amazed at how big it is! Angie is a very cute little dog that I love very much.
Angie's birthday is August 6, so she's about 2 and a half years old right now. I have to say Angie is not the smartest dog you would come across. The only thing she really knows how to do is to lie down, but she only does it when we have a treat for her. We treat her like a little puppy because she acts just like one. The cutest part about her is that during the day, basically the only place in the house you would find her is in her bed, sleeping. But at night, she's very playful, and runs all around the house. It's sort of funny to see her running, and she goes really fast, no one can catch her. Angie is a very confusing dog, you never know how she will be next, calm and sleepy, or wild and energetic.
Dogs are a great improvement to your life. I can really tell that my family is much more happy with her around. Also, studies have shown that holding and petting a dog can actually lower your blood pressure. Who would have guessed that petting an ordinary dog can make you healthier!
LIFE LESSON: Dogs make you happier, which leads to a healthier lifestyle. If everyone had a dog, it would make the world a better place.
I commented on Emelie F's blog.
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